Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Back to School

We started our first day of classes by receiving free manicures from current students. This was both a pleasant surprise, and a pretty obvious way of filling time. My manicurist was an apathetic child. But she did a pretty good job, regardless. She was pleasantly unphased when I asked her to simply sharpen my stiletto nails. This service was followed by a leisurely hour long lunch break.

This afternoon we had what I would have referred to it as "syllabus day" in my past life at real school. In addition to briefly reviewing the syllabus, we spent the better part of the day inspecting our new kits (the aforementioned swag). We each collected an enormous box of gear from the peppy director-and/or-administrator-ladies, brought them into the upstairs hall, spread out, and tore into them like Christmas. We inspected the integrity of each individual makeup brush, fake eyelash set, creepy mannequin head, and so on. We plugged in all our blow dryers and irons and tested their settings. We made passwords for our new ipads. Then we used our new ipads to make a million other passwords for a million other online resource accounts. We skimmed through our only physical textbook: a thousand-pound instructional manual that is literally called Milady. (Anyone watch The League?) Then we set up our stations, did a little reading from Milady, and called it a day.

The other kids were pretty nice. I didn't have to eat lunch alone in the bathroom. The girls are mostly 18, and really sweet. My favorite 18 year old delightfully exclaimed that she had just graduated from high school and found it surreal to be "surrounded by so many adults!" I happily chose a work station between her, and the badass Alaskan girl with the knuckle tattooes. Overall I was feeling pretty good, very tired and excited as I carried my box of mannequin heads through the torrential downpour. Then I finally reached my car and found a waterlogged 80$ parking ticket.

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