On Wednesday one of the director-of-something ladies asked me to participate in a career expo at the convention center. I was flattered and agreed, assuming it was some sort of aesthetics-industry expo where I could fraternize with salon owners. So I was surprised to discover that the expo was for high schoolers, and I "have" the career. Myself, and about ten of my fellow campers were there handing out flyers, giving hand massages, and generally trying to seem like an appealing collective of fun, artistic, well-adjusted young adults. I left the expo with the feeling that I had accidentally promoted Boston University more than Aveda, but the kids were curious and intelligent and I had no intention of answering any of their questions dishonestly.
A bold 18 year old boy and his less bold friend approached me while I was standing in front of the booth doling out hand massages. I asked the bold kid if he would like one, and he replied, "Actually I want to give you a hand massage." I politely accepted, and he hilariously gave his shyer friend a knowing wink. Then he proceeded to tell me about his trip to Germany and his talent as a professional organist. Upon completing my massage, he opened his wallet and gave me his professional, though slightly aged and tattered business card. His name was Felix and he was the highlight of my day.